Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 16. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Comparative and Contrastive Research

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Common and Culture-Specific Linguocultural Features of Paroemias with the Components Naming Tools of a Blacksmith, a Joiner and a Carpenter in Russian and Chinese

Yue Liu
Changchun University; Saint Petersburg State University, The People’s Republic of China

Submitted: March 31, 2023
Abstract. The paper attempts to conduct a systematic analysis of the national-cultural semantics contained in Chinese and Russian paroemias with the names of tools used by a blacksmith, a joiner and a carpenter in their professional activities involving relevant theories of linguistics and cultural studies, as well as to examine the similarities and differences in the linguocultural features objectified in these proverbs and sayings. The research aims to determine the common and culture-specific linguocultural features peculiar to Russian and Chinese paroemias with the components naming tools of a blacksmith, a joiner and a carpenter, which makes it possible to identify lacunary areas in the two cultures, as well as to highlight the most vivid national connotations and stereotypes recorded in the paremiological stock of the language. This kind of research contributes to the formation of effective methods of intercultural communication between Chinese and Russian business partners. The scientific novelty of the research lies in formulating the recommendations for a productive speech interaction between native speakers of Russian and Chinese linguocultures, taking into account their national specifics of the attitude to work and to the success achieved as a result, based on the analysis of the linguocultural specifics contained in paroemias with the components naming tools from a narrow professional field. The research findings have shown that being a linguistic universal, paroemias with the components naming tools from narrow professional fields along with common cultural components contain unique cultural connotations, the consideration of which will contribute to the effectiveness of intercultural communication. It has been found that the perception of work as hard labour the systematic performance of which can lead to the desired goal is typical for Russian linguoculture, while in Chinese culture, there is a more positive attitude to work understood as a tool on the way to achieving the planned result.
Key words and phrases:
паремия русского языка
паремия китайского языка
лингвокультурный потенциал паремий
компонент – номинация инструментов
Russian paroemia
Chinese paroemia
linguocultural potential of paroemias
component naming tools
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