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Structural and semantic features of linguistic units of the English-language linguocultural scenario “Products”
Ol’ga Vladimirovna Belyakova
Samara State University of Economics
Natalia Alexandrovna Pyrkina
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
April 28, 2023
The aim of the research is to identify the structural and semantic features of linguistic units that serve as means of linguistic expression of the English-language linguocultural scenario “Products”. By identifying the basic concepts and sub-concepts of the thematic area under study, the paper provides a detailed description of the structure of the scenario, which has a compositional-block structure. The authors determine which linguistic units represent the scenario under consideration and focus on their structural and semantic features. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the English-language linguocultural scenario of the thematic area “Products” is described as a cognitive scheme of a speech situation, while the application of a comprehensive cognitive-cultural approach to the language material makes it possible to identify the main structural and semantic characteristics. As a result of the research, the predominance of compound units over one-word units has been determined, which makes it possible to describe the structure of the object of nomination in more detail. The prevalence of compound nouns as structurally inseparable linguistic units, adjectives and verbs, diverse in structure and semantic content, has been revealed, the distinctive characteristics of structurally separable nominators, such as nominal phrases whose basic component is a noun and two-word verb phrases, have been determined.
Key words and phrases:
лингвокультурный сценарий
номинативная единица
структурно-семантические особенности
однословные единицы
сверхсловные единицы
linguocultural scenario
nominative unit
structural and semantic features
one-word units
compound units
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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