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Verbalisation and structural representation of the phenomenon of “Sustained Development” (on the material of “The Independent” newspaper reports)
Mariana Robertovna Sarkisyan
Pyatigorsk State University
Anna Robertovna Davydova
Armavir State Pedagogical University
April 28, 2023
The paper presents an analysis and summarisation of the linguistic representation and structuring of the phenomenon of “Sustained Development” at the present stage. The aim of the study is to shed light on the features of the linguocognitive explication of the phenomenon of “Sustained Development” using the material of newspaper reports. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify the components belonging to the nucleus and the central zone of the phenomenon of “Sustained Development” at the linguistic level using contextual analysis of basic verbalisers. As a result, a model of the phenomenon under consideration has been presented in the unity of its three components (“Ecology”, “Economy”, “Social Life”), the linguistic means of objectification, nuclear and peripheral features, intension and implication have been determined. The model of the phenomenon under consideration in the unity of its three components indicates the metadisciplinary nature of the study conducted from a noospheric perspective. The analysis of the linguistic means of the key components shows that the promotion of economic, environmental and social development through the introduction of innovative methods and technologies is meant to ensure a gradual transition to the noospheric worldview.
Key words and phrases:
феномен устойчивого развития
языковая репрезентация
структура модели “Sustained Development”
ноосферное мировоззрение
phenomenon of sustainable development
linguistic representation
structure of the “Sustained Development” model
noospheric worldview
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