Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 16. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Realisation of the concessive construction ‘zwar …, aber …’ in oral doctor-patient communication

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Osipenko
First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Submitted: April 28, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the communicative features of the adversative construction ‘(zwar) …, aber …’ (‘true …, but …’) when used in oral dialogues between oncologists and cancer patients. The scientific novelty lies, firstly, in presenting the ways of construction verbalisation in oral dialogues on specialised medical topics; secondly, in determining the communicative functions manifested in stressful doctor-patient communication when delivering and discussing a cancer diagnosis. The results of the study show that the similarity in the realisation of the construction in oral and written speech is mainly in the need to predict the speech situation: for the oncologist, this is a need to anticipate the patient’s questions, for the creator of an academic written text – the reader’s counterarguments. The main difference is seen in the purpose of using this construction. In doctor-patient communication, the construction is used to deliver bad news (in the first part of the construction, i.e. the ‘zwar’ part), as well as to describe the positive characteristics of a tumor (in the second part of the construction, i.e. the ‘aber’ part). In academic texts, the construction serves to oppose the author’s opinion to other points of view.
Key words and phrases:
научная аргументация
конструкция zwar …, aber …
коммуникация врача и пациента
вербальная интеракция
academic argumentation
construction ‘zwar …, aber …’
doctor-patient communication
verbal interaction
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