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French language of digital communication: Conditions of formation and main characteristics
Natalia Yurievna Borodulina
Tambov State Technical University
Vladislava Igorevna Kopelnik
Tambov State Technical University
Galina Nikolaevna Chebotareva
Tambov State Technical University
May 17, 2023
The study aims to identify the features of virtual communication using the example of the French language. The researchers determine the main phonetic, lexical and syntactic transformations driven by the primary principle of digital communication: to convey maximum information with a minimum of linguistic effort. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it systematises previously obtained separate information on the nature and conditions of the formation of a new cyberspace language, the so-called cyberlanguage, shows the conditions and ways of its development and provides a classification for the components of the French language of virtual communication. As a result, the general characteristics of the formation of the French cyberlanguage, taking into account the historical development and influence of English linguoculture, as well as the classification of its characteristics at all levels of the language system, including phonetics, grammar, spelling, syntax and stylistics, also considering the use of non-verbal means of communication, are shown. The pragmatic orientation of language transformations associated with the reflection of the digital worldview is revealed.
Key words and phrases:
языковые ребусы
невербальная коммуникация
language rebuses
non-verbal communication
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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