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Punctuation grammar in the translation of a French poetic text
Marina Ilinichna Sveshnikova
Tatishchev Astrakhan State University
Elena Igorevna Sernova
Tatishchev Astrakhan State University
May 17, 2023
The aim of the study is to identify the problems of conveying the punctuation organisation of the text in French-to-Russian poetic translation. The analysis of works by P. Verlaine, J. Cocteau, J. Prévert shows how the poets use poetic punctuation in the arrangement of their works and what role it can play in the expressive-stylistic explication of the author’s thought. In poetry translation, it is necessary to take into account discrepancies in the functioning of punctuation in different languages. The semantic and communicative context is organised in the French language with the help of punctuation means, in Russian, the role of punctuation marks increases in utterance organisation. In Russian, unlike French, the role of punctuation means increases significantly due to linguistic peculiarities. The study is novel in that it is the first to introduce the notion of punctuation grammar as a tool necessary for the adequate translation of modern poetic works that are arranged according to the author’s punctuation outside the generally accepted language norms, which leads to an ambiguous understanding of the text and requires additional efforts from the translator in their work. Punctuation grammar uses various means depending on the meaning of the work, style, graphic arrangement techniques for the organisation and holistic perception of the text. As a result of the study, it has been shown that in order to ensure the semantic-expressive explication of the author’s thought, some deviations from the rules are allowed, becoming the norm of poetic speech.
Key words and phrases:
художественное произведение
поэтический текст
стихотворная речь
грамматическая организация
пунктуационная грамматика
literary work
poetic text
poetic speech
grammatical organisation
punctuation grammar
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