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“Karamzin canon” in “Letters of a Russian Officer” by F. N. Glinka
Natalya Vladimirovna Konstantinova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
May 17, 2023
The aim of the research is to identify the functions of the elements of the “Karamzin canon” in the narrative structure of “Letters of a Russian Officer” by F. N. Glinka. The paper clarifies the specifics of the influence that the “Karamzin canon” as a “sentimental canon” had on the travelogues of the early XIX century in the aspect of the author’s problem; substantiates the validity of studying authorial attitudes in the documentary travelogue in terms of analysing the narrative structure. The scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the specifics of the influence of the “Karamzin canon” on the documentary travelogues of the early XIX century in the aspect of the author’s problem. As a result, it has been proved that by highlighting elements of the “Karamzin canon” of travel at the level of narrative organisation, it is possible to detect different variants of the forms of the author’s presence in the text. F. N. Glinka’s “Letters of a Russian Officer” represent a model of the narrative structure of the travelogue in which a new variant of the narrator type is highlighted, i.e. an eyewitness to the events, an involuntary traveller, a serviceman obeying someone else’s will, capable of assuming the roles of an outside observer, philosopher, historian, poet, warrior.
Key words and phrases:
структура повествования
сентиментальный канон
тип путешественника
narrative structure
sentimental canon
traveller type
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