Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 16. Issue 6
COLLECTION:    Theory of Language

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Simple sentence as a means of logical inference representation (on the material of the English language)

Irina Nikolaevna Nikitina
Samara State University of Economics

Marina Vladimirovna Cherkunova
Samara National Research University

Julia Sergeevna Starostina
Samara National Research University

Submitted: June 15, 2023
Abstract. The research aims to identify patterns in the use of English simple sentences as a means of logical inference representation. The work is novel in that it is the first to carry out a logical-grammatical analysis of simple sentences involving the material of the English language in terms of their ability to represent a logical inference; the first to identify the structural and semantic features of the syntactic constructions under consideration. As a result, the comparison and analysis of two levels of the text (logical and linguistic) made it possible to identify and describe specific manifestations of the invariant (logical form) and the variant (various ways of linguistic expression) in the meanings of the studied linguistic units. It was revealed that certain types of English simple sentences the parts of which are linked by semantic cause-effect relations serve as a means of logical inference expression in the form of enthymemes of varying degrees of clarity. It was proved that markers of algorithms for constructing logical syllogisms are traced in the natural (English) language in the form of corresponding linguistic means, while “pure” logical inferences acquire various semantic layers in the language.
Key words and phrases:
логико-грамматический анализ
логическое умозаключение
причинно-следственные отношения
простое предложение
английский язык
logical-grammatical analysis
logical inference
cause-effect relations
simple sentence
English language
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