The article is devoted to the early period of the biography of E. F. Rosen, a poet, translator, critic and playwright, best known as the librettist of M. I. Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar” (1836). Rosen’s collaboration in the magazines “Moskovsky telegraf”, “Moskovsky vestnik” and the Reval German-language magazine “Esthona” in 1827-1829 is highlighted. Rosen’s debut poem “Pushkin’s Circassian” (1825), written under the influence of the poem “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” by A. S. Pushkin, is being studied. Rosen’s poem “Summer of Life”, published in “Moskovsky vestnik” in 1827, is considered in detail, two of its editions are compared – the early one, which corresponds to the period of his collaboration in the magazine, and the later one, created three years later. The aim of the research is to clarify Rosen’s position in the literary process of the late 1820s. The scientific novelty of the work lies in introducing into scientific use a previously unexplored text by Rosen. As a result, a connection between Rosen’s poem and the poetic works by A. S. Pushkin, F. N. Glinka and, to a lesser extent, the members of the Moscow “Society of Lyubomudriye” has been established. When analysing Rosen’s translation activities and responses to these activities in the press, the researcher finds that the poet’s collaboration in the “Esthona” magazine was encouraged by his literary acquaintances.
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