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Functioning and semantic features of lexemes with the root -dol/duel- in the French language from the 12th to the 15th centuries
Maria Vladimirovna Solovieva
Saint Petersburg State University
Sofia Aleksandrovna Grefenstein
Saint Petersburg State University
November 29, 2023
The aim of the research is to identify the semantic features of nouns and adjectives with the root -dol/duel- in various French texts from the 12th to the 15th centuries. The article examines the evolution of meanings of Old French polysemous lexemes with the root -dol/duel-. Special attention is given to describing the linguistic environment and determining the role of context in the syncretic realization of multiple meanings of these polysemous lexemes. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the application of a corpus analysis method, allowing for the creation of representative sub-corpora compiled according to specified parameters, thus forming an empirical basis for the research and selecting all instances of the use of the analyzed words. As a result of the study, it was established that lexemes with the root -dol/duel- are capable of syncretically realizing multiple meanings in specific contexts, depending on their syntactic function, lexical environment, and occurrence in set speech formulas. Furthermore, the research enabled a refinement of the dictionary meanings of the described lexemes and the identification of new meanings not recorded in existing dictionaries of Old French.
Key words and phrases:
историческая лексикология французского языка
лексический синкретизм
старофранцузский язык
historical lexicology of the French language
lexical syncretism
Old French language
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