Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Romanic Languages

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A model of a systematic description of argot units incorporated into the fabric of a literary text (based on the novel “Sang dessus dessous” by Claude Izner)

Anna Sergeevna Vysotskaya
Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev

Submitted: February 2, 2024
Abstract. As a part of testing the intermediate results of a study of the argotic component in a literary work, this paper examines the elements of traditional and general argot incorporated into the fabric of the modern French crime novel. The model of a multidimensional argot analysis, first proposed by E. M. Beregovskaya and subsequently supplemented by T. I. Retinskaya, allows us to give a versatile characterization of uncodified elements that exist in the everyday speech of representatives of various professional groups. The paper attempts to test a model of a systematic description of argot units compiled on the basis of the key elements of the model of a multidimensional argot analysis and supplemented by the following components: 1) a portrait of the characters using argot units; 2) a functional analysis of argot blocks; 3) a description of the author’s nonce words recorded in the novel. Thus, the aim of the research is to form an algorithm for describing argot units that illuminates the stylistic functions of non-conventional lexemes in a literary text to the fullest extent. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the components analyzed in this paper were previously used separately, they are being implemented for the first time within the framework of an aggregate model. As a result of the research, the algorithm for a systematic characterization of uncodified lexemes recorded in the text of a literary work has been formed.
Key words and phrases:
криминальный роман
Клод Изнер
арготический компонент художественного произведения
модель полиаспектного анализа арготизмов
семантическая доминанта
crime novel
Claude Izner
argotic component of a literary work
model of a multidimensional argot analysis
semantic dominant
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