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TV series as a tool for the formation of sociocultural competence of students in the process of foreign language teaching at a non-linguistic university (on the example of the Italian language)
Oxana Yurievna Mushtanova
MGIMO University, Moscow
Aleksandra Lvovna Illarionova
MGIMO University, Moscow
May 14, 2024
The aim of the research is to determine the didactic possibilities of a TV series as a source of sociocultural competence formation for students studying a foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The article substantiates the thesis that a TV series, being an important sociocultural phenomenon of our time, can be used to master the national and cultural component of the country of the studied language and world sociocultural trends. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time a methodology has been developed for working with a sociocultural component of a TV series in foreign language classes with students of a non-linguistic university. As a result, it was proved that a TV series as a didactic tool not only contributes to the assimilation of nationally specific information about the country of the studied language, but also allows learners to trace global sociocultural transformations, which is especially relevant in the context of multicultural education.
Key words and phrases:
социокультурная компетенция
преподавание иностранного языка
итальянский язык
поликультурное образование
sociocultural competence
TV series
foreign language teaching
Italian language
multicultural education
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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