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Peculiarities of children’s comments on French-language political media texts with the “Diamond” structure
Elizaveta Anatol’evna Vdovichenko
Kemerovo State University
July 22, 2024
The purpose of the study is to characterise the role of the influence of information in the structural components of a political news text with the structure “Diamond” on the comments of readers aged from 8 to 12 years old. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time a study of the influence of structural components of the architectonics of a news text on comments by children’s readers was conducted. The study found that children read political news texts with the structure “Diamond” and actively leave their analytical comments or comments as the emotional response to them. Their comments may be directly or indirectly related to the content of the news text. The comments indirectly related to the content of the text express the attitude towards the mentioned political figures, things familiar to them, illustrative and pictorial material. Components of a political news text with the structure “Diamond”: “Lead”, “Body”, where the news event is reported, and “Background”, where additional facts are given, encourage young readers to leave comments directly related to their information.
Key words and phrases:
структура текста
детский комментарий
комментарий к новостному тексту
media text
text structure
children’s commentary
commentary on news text
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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