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Structure of an allusive anthroponomic concept-representation in the novel “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf
Marina Aleksandrovna Ananyina
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
October 29, 2024
The aim of the study is to identify the cognitive-semantic features and structure of allusive anthroponymic concepts in the novel “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf. Scientific originality consists in determining the types of allusive anthroponymic concepts based on the form of presentation of content information and their layer structure using the material of the novel “To the Lighthouse” by V. Woolf. As a result of the study, it was found out that in terms of the form of storing content information, allusive anthroponymic concepts can be concepts-representations, notions, prototypes, standards, frames and gestalts. This study examines the structure of an allusive anthroponymic concept-representation using the text of the novel “To the Lighthouse” by V. Woolf. The text of the novel is characterized by the predominance of allusive anthroponymic concepts-representations, which are speculative in nature, associated with semantic attributes of eternity/perishability of art, literature, painting, the value of a creative person. The layer structure of the allusive anthroponymic concept-representation emphasizes the features of the informational-imaginative, associative and axiological layers. The cognitive characteristics of the allusive anthroponymic concept-representation are conditioned by the specifics of the novel’s narrative with the use of the stream-of-consciousness technique, the autobiographical nature of the novel and its theme. Allusive anthroponyms are used in the function of primary nomination, they represent integral images in a set of features contained in encyclopaedic information, and these features are subject to accentuation in the process of actualisation of this type of concept. The axiological layer reflects the evaluative connotation, connected with a high positive evaluation of the activities of famous persons to whom allusive reference is made. In a number of cases, the generally accepted connotations come into conflict with the subjective evaluation of the characters, contributing to the creation of irony. The leading stylistic functions of allusive anthroponyms verbalizing conceptual representation are aesthetic, expressive and evaluative ones.
Key words and phrases:
аллюзивный антропонимический концепт
типология аллюзивных антропонимических концептов
аллюзивный антропонимический концепт-представление
аллюзивный антропоним
структура аллюзивного антропонимического концепта
В. Вулф «На маяк»
allusive anthroponomic concept
typology of allusive anthroponomic concepts
allusive anthroponymic concept-representation
allusive anthroponym
structure of an allusive anthroponomic concept-representation
Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse”
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