Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Language Teaching Techniques

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Methods for correcting translation errors in the context of professional training of students

Matteo Sanesi
Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Submitted: November 8, 2024
Abstract. This research aims to establish a foundation for understanding the concept of error in the context of translation pedagogy and studies, while also providing a comprehensive overview of the methods that can be efficiently applied to minimize the occurrence of errors in an educational setting. This effort is essential in today’s world, where the quality of translation must improve alongside the technological and practical tools available to translators, in order to develop competitive and knowledgeable professionals. The research offers the potential solution to address the urgent need for establishing a modern pedagogical approach to translation and its associated challenges. The foundation of the discipline must be broadened to reflect the growing significance of this discipline in our increasingly interconnected world. The scientific novelty of this research lies in its potential to introduce a new perspective on methods that help translation adapt to contemporary challenges. By categorizing types of errors and situational contexts in which they arise, this approach enables a comprehensive analysis and targeted correction process. This structured methodology not only facilitates effective error correction but also aids students in retaining these insights for future application. The paper explores the originality of aligning a series of approaches that not only help identify and understand translation errors but also provide effective solutions for correcting them, which can be implemented by teachers. As a result, we note that while institutions may lag in providing necessary materials and resources, implementing these new findings necessitates a metacognitive and lifelong learning perspective. Students should be trained to critically analyze errors through various contextual lenses and circumstances. A solid understanding of culture improves the accuracy of conveying meaning between source and target languages; however, the risk of errors persists, especially when the training of new translators is inadequate.
Key words and phrases:
исправление ошибок
переводческая ошибка
профессиональная подготовка
метакогнитивный процесс
перевод в обучении
машинный перевод
error correction
translation error
professional training
metacognitive process
translation in education
machine translation
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