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Metaphorical representation of the VERITE/TRUTH concept in the individual authorial consciousness of G. Flaubert
Natalia Feliksovna Rozanova
Moscow State Linguistic University
November 14, 2024
The study aims to determine the characteristics of metaphorical representations of the VERITE/TRUTH concept within the individual authorial consciousness of Gustave Flaubert. The article examines and analyzes the main features of the VERITE/TRUTH concept from the perspective of Flaubert’s individual authorial consciousness based on his work “The Temptation of Saint Anthony”. The study reveals the specific features of Flaubert’s individual authorial approach to interpreting the characteristics of the investigated concept based on the internal form of the main representant of the concept. The study is novel in that it is the first one to explore the VERITE/TRUTH concept by applying the theory of cognitive metaphor within the space of conceptual and individual-authorial worldview. As a result of the study, the specific features of the metaphorical representation of the VERITE/TRUTH concept in Flaubert’s individual authorial consciousness were determined. The article examines the formation of a creative personality, which is a dynamic process conditioned by the author’s worldview, a process that takes place within the space of cultural tradition. The VERITE/TRUTH concept is a fundamental concept of the author’s worldview, expressing his perception of the world, as well as acting as a regulator of social and individual-ethical behavior. Studying the moral-value concept of VERITE/TRUTH allows determining methods for analyzing language phenomena related to ways of revealing knowledge about the process of formation of a creative personality, finding implementation in language.
Key words and phrases:
морально-ценностный концепт
индивидуально-авторское сознание
когнитивная метафора
метафорические репрезентации
образные средства выражения
moral-value concept
individual authorial consciousness
cognitive metaphor
metaphorical representations
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