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The correspondence between S. A. Tolstaya and T. A. Kuzminskaya: A biographical aspect of study
Natalia Ivanovna Gorodilova
A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
November 14, 2024
The research aims to reveal the plot-thematic and stylistic peculiarities of the unpublished correspondence between S. A. Tolstaya and T. A. Kuzminskaya (the 1870s). The article considers the epistolary as a key document that helps to recreate not only the biographical, but also the socio-historical, cultural context of the life and work of Leo Tolstoy. The scientific novelty of the research lies, firstly, in the fact that the letters are considered not as additional material to the writer’s personal testimonies, but as an independent epistolary source that reflects the life of a certain social circle; secondly, in the fact that the correspondence is studied as a holistic phenomenon: letters are interpreted not unilaterally, isolated from each other, but in the context of dialogue, live conversation, and taking into account the analysis of the relationships between the correspondents. As a result of the research, the thematic range of the correspondence was revealed, focused on family and household interests. The epistolary style of the correspondents was analyzed and it was proven that both the selection of events and the manner of their presentation reveal bright and extraordinary characters. The confession letter, the diary letter of Sophia Tolstaya and the plot letter with a chain of entertaining stories by Tatyana Kuzminskaya were compared.
Key words and phrases:
эпистолярное наследие семьи Л. Н. Толстого
переписка С. А. Толстой и Т. А. Кузминской как исторический источник
архивный документ
проблемы атрибуции писем
сюжетно-стилистическое своеобразие стиля как отражение личности корреспондентов
epistolary legacy of Leo Tolstoy’s family
correspondence between S. A. Tolstaya and T. A. Kuzminskaya as a historical source
archival document
problems of letter attribution
plot-stylistic peculiarity of style as a reflection of correspondents’ personalities
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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