Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Languages of Russia

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The meliorative set in the Adyghe language picture of the world

Boris Chamalovich Bizhoev
Institute for the Humanities Research – Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik

Maryana Rashadovna Khezheva
Institute for the Humanities Research – Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik

Submitted: November 19, 2024
Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying the basic ways of expressing the meliorative set in the Adyghe language picture of the world. The main purpose of the work is to identify affixal, lexical and phraseological means of verbalization of the semantics of the meliorative set in the Kabardino–Circassian language. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in Adyghe linguistic science, a set of means of transmitting the semantics of a positively evaluated set is presented. Special attention is paid to vocatives-melioratives with a plural suffix, which function in significant numbers in the Adyghe linguistic culture. This group of speech units participates in the process of communication and represents the ethnospecific features of the Adyghe linguistic culture. The results showed that the meliorative set is represented in the Adyghe linguistic consciousness by attaching the plural suffix to lexemes, free and non-free combinations of words with a common meaning of positive evaluation. Also, constructions with the semantics of abundance, causing delight and satisfaction of the speaker, were found in the Adyghe language consciousness.
Key words and phrases:
адыгская языковая картина мира
мелиоративное множество
суффикс множественного числа
the Adyghe language picture of the world
meliorative set
plural suffix
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