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Phraseological representation of the elemental space in English
Viktoriya Viktorovna Yanina
Volgograd State University
Oxana Andreevna Maletina
Volgograd State University
November 22, 2024
The research aims to identify the most significant and typical models of metaphorization of non-spatial objects based on the reinterpretation of spatial images in the English language by studying spatial vocabulary in a set of direct and figurative metaphorical meanings. Based on the analysis of metaphorical meanings that resulted from the figurative rethinking of spatial meanings, the current ideas in the perception of space by native English speakers are identified by defining the semantic features that serve as the motivational basis for metaphorical nomination. The article characterizes the main spheres of human life (social, intellectual, mental) through metaphorical meanings created by spatial nouns with the semantics of the elemental space included in idiomatic expressions. The process of metaphorization described is carried out by identifying the direction of metaphorical transfer and motivational semantic aspects, which allows us to point out the linguocultural specificity of the lexical units used in the texts under consideration. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that metaphors of the English language representing the elemental space are considered in the work within the framework of cognitive linguistics. In addition, lexical and semantic variants reflecting both physical and non-physical objects are analyzed, features relevant to spatial and non-spatial nomination are identified, and metaphorical models realized are described. As a result of the research, the most relevant models that actualize the social, mental and intellectual spheres of human activity were identified. Their analysis allows us to determine the linguocultural specificity of the idioms under study. We have revealed the presence of patterns in the formation of secondary designations of non-spatial objects based on spatial metaphor for representation of basic spheres of human activity.
Key words and phrases:
семантический признак
лексическая единица
метафорическая модель
пространственный признак
метафорический перенос
semantic feature
lexical unit
metaphorical model
spatial feature
metaphorical transfer
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