Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Russian Language

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Current trends in the pronunciation of consonants before the letter ‘e’ in words of foreign origin at the present stage of development of the Russian language

Natalia Gennadievna Furman
Saint Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II

Daria Nikolaevna Volodina
Tomsk Polytechnic University

Elena Alexandrovna Beretskaya
Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar

Inna Anatolyevna Potselueva
Moscow Polytechnic University

Submitted: November 25, 2024
Abstract. The process of active information exchange is accompanied by the influx of large layers of borrowed vocabulary into the language and, as a consequence, an ambiguous understanding of the orthoepic norms of pronunciation of foreign words by native Russian speakers. In the situation of periodically carried out reform of the rules of different sections of the language, the goal of the study is to establish the phonetic appearance of borrowings of foreign origin, in which a binary opposition (hardness/softness) of consonants before the vowel ‘e’, which is most acceptable for use, is observed. As a result of the analysis of scientific literature, it was established that the hardness/softness of the consonant before ‘e’ was historically influenced by linguistic and extralinguistic factors. As shown by a linguistic experiment conducted in the form of a survey of respondents of different ages living in different regions of our country and abroad, the tendency of Russification (softening) of foreign words that are frequently used and hardening of consonants mainly in bookish vocabulary has not found confirmation in modern conditions. The scientific novelty of the study is that as a result of a survey of native speakers of the Russian language in the current time frame, it was revealed that the variability of pronunciation of this type of foreign-language vocabulary has become entrenched in the language and is relevant for modern speech practice, and a feature of the phonetic system of the Russian language is the ability to flexibly respond in the context of borrowing new words: the phonetic system of the Russian language adapts to the pronunciation features of words of foreign origin, and they, in turn, adapt to the phonetic system of the Russian language.
Key words and phrases:
фонетическая система русского языка
слова иноязычного происхождения
произносительная норма
твердый согласный
мягкий согласный
phonetic system of the Russian language
words of foreign origin
pronunciation norm
hard consonant
soft consonant
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