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Frequency and semantic features of English phrasal verbs with the particle ‘down’ in collocations with ‘rain’
Vladislav Aleksandrovich Grekhovodov
Belgorod National Research University
December 17, 2024
The study aims to identify patterns and frequency characteristics of the use of English phrasal verbs with the particle ‘down’ in set collocations with the lexeme ‘rain’, involving the EnTenTen20 corpus. The work is aimed at deepening the understanding of the functioning of these phrasal verbs in modern contexts, which will improve the accuracy of their use. The article considers a set of nine phrasal verbs with the particle ‘down’, selected using a CQL query in the SketchEngine platform. This set of phrasal verbs forms part of collocations interacting with the collocate ‘rain’. Practical recommendations for translators are presented. The frequency of phrasal verbs used in constructions with the collocate ‘rain’ is shown, along with the quantitative combination of phrasal verbs from the selected set with other collocates. An analysis of the semantics of low-frequency phrasal verbs is conducted based on examples from the EnTenTen20 corpus. The novelty of the study lies in determining the specific semantic links between phrasal verbs and the lexeme ‘rain’ and in identifying the most frequent collocations of phrasal verbs and their semantic features in various contexts. The analysis contributes to a more accurate interpretation of the collocational features of phrasal verbs in the corpus and provides practical recommendations for translators and English language teachers. As a result, the understanding of the semantics of phrasal verbs used in constructions with the collocate ‘rain’ is expanded. A frequency interpretation of the selected set of phrasal verbs and their quantitative interaction with other collocates is presented.
Key words and phrases:
фразовый глагол
сателлит down
корпусное исследование
платформа SketchEngine
phrasal verb
particle ‘down’
corpus research
SketchEngine platform
CQL query
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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