Список литературы:
- Dei Hi's. К. L., 1999. Backscatter Estimation Using Broadband Acoustic Uoppler Current Profilers in Oceans 99 MIS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, September 13-16, 1999. - Seattle, Wash.
- Gartner, J., 2004. Estimating Suspended Solids Concentrations from Backscatter Intensity Measured by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in San Francisco Bay, California: Marine Geology, v. 211, pp. 169-187.
- RD Instruments, 1996. Principles of Operation: A practical primer. 158 p.
- RD Instruments, 2003. WinRiver Users Guide-USGS Version. 144 p.
- Downing, Andrew, Thorne, P. D., and Vincent, С. Е., 1995. Backscattering From a Suspension in the Near-Field of a Piston Transducer: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 97, no. 3, p. 1614.
- Flammer, G. H. 1962. Ultrasonic Measurement of Suspended Sediment: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1141-A, 48 p.