Список литературы:
- Дегоев В. В. Большая игра на Кавказе: история и современность: статьи, очерки, эссе. М.: SPSL-"Русская панорама", 2003.
- Boyd G. M. Terror against Chechen population // The New York Times. 2001. 13 Jul.
- Chazan G., Higgins A. Russia perceives U.S. war on terrorism as akin to its own struggle in Chechnya // Wall Street Journal. 2001. 5 Oct.
- Downie L. Why Chechnya is different // The Washington Post. 2001. 4 Oct.
- Hearst D. How the East was won and lost // Guardian Weekly. 1996. Vol. 155. № 26.
- Hearst D. Lebed claims 'war is over' in Chechnia // Ibidem. 1 Sep.
- Jack A. Chechnya fighting set to intensify, study warns // The Financial Times. 2001. 28 Aug.
- Jack A. Berezovsky tries to interfere into Chechen conflict // Ibidem. 2000. 19 Dec.
- Lapidus Gail W. Putin's war on terrorism: lessons from Chechya // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2002. № 1.
- Lieven A. A western strategy for Chechnya // International Herald Tribune. 2004. 9 Sep.
- Meek J. Chechen rejoice in freedom // The Guardian Weekly. 1996. 1 Dec.
- Specter M. Russian war: corpses and wild dogs // The Times. 1995. 4 Jan.
- Steele J. No one knows what the war is about, or when it will end // The Guardian. 2001. 27 Jul.