Издательство ГРАМОТА - публикация научных статей в периодических изданиях
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Архив научных статей

ИСТОЧНИК:    Альманах современной науки и образования. Тамбов: Грамота, 2010. № 10. С. 84-88.
РАЗДЕЛ:    Психологические науки
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Лицензионное соглашение об использовании научных материалов.


Григорян Лусине Корюновна
Государственный университет - Высшая школа экономики

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Список литературы:
  1. Гэхтер С., Херрманн Б. Взаимообразность, культура и кооперативность: известные результаты и новый кросс-культурный эксперимент // Психология. М.: Высшая школа экономики. Т. 6. № 2. С. 41-78.
  2. Лунт П. Психологические подходы к потреблению: вчера, сегодня, завтра // Иностранная психология. 1997. № 9. С. 8-16.
  3. Мацумото Д. Психология и культура. СПб.: Питер, 2003. 720 с.
  4. Allen W. M., Hung S. N., Leiser D. Adult economic model and values survey: сross-national differences in economic beliefs // Journal of economic psychology. 2005. V. 26. Iss. 2. April. P. 159-185.
  5. Allik J., Realo A. Individualism-collectivism and social capital // Journal of cross-cultural psychology. 2004. № 35. P. 29-49.
  6. Bastounis M., Leiser D., Roland-Levy C. Psychosocial variables involved in the construction of lay thinking about the economy: results of a cross-national survey // Journal of economic psychology. 2004. V. 25. Iss. 2. April. P. 263-278.
  7. Beaudreau C. B. Identity, entropy and culture // Ibidem. 2006. V. 27. Iss. 2. April. P. 205-223.
  8. Choi J., Geistfeld V. L. A cross-cultural investigation of consumer e-shopping adoption // Ibidem. 2004. V. 25. Iss. 6. December. P. 821-838.
  9. Chuah S.-H., Hoffmann R., Jones M., Williams G. An economic anatomy of culture: attitudes and behaviour in inter- and intra-national ultimatum game experiments // Ibidem. 2009. V. 30. Iss. 5. October. P. 732-744.
  10. Corazzini L., Esposito L., Majorano F. Exploring the absolutist vs relativist perception of poverty using a cross-country questionnaire survey // Ibidem. 2009. November.
  11. Furnham A. School children's perception of economic justice: a cross-cultural comparison // Ibidem. 1987. V. 8. Iss. 4. December. P. 457-467.
  12. Furnham A., Lewis A. The economic mind: the social psychology of economic behavior. London: Wheatsheaf, 1986.
  13. Ger G., Belk W. R. Cross-cultural differences in materialism // Journal of economic psychology. 1996. V. 17. Iss. 1. February. P. 55-77.
  14. Goodwin C., Verhage J. B. Role perceptions of services: a cross-cultural comparison with behavioral implications // Ibidem. 1989. V. 10. Iss. 4. P. 543-558.
  15. Kilbourne W., Grunhagen M., Foley J. A cross-cultural examination of the relationship between materialism and individual values // Ibidem. 2005. V. 26. Iss. 5. October. P. 624-641.
  16. Leiser D., Sevon G., Levy D. Children's economic socialization: summarizing the cross-cultural comparison of ten countries // Ibidem. 1990. V. 11. Iss. 4. December. P. 591-614.
  17. Lunt P., Livingstone S. Mass consumption and personal identity. Buckingham, U.K.: Open University Press, 1992.
  18. Muller-Peters A. The significance of national pride and national identity to the attitude toward the single European currency: a Europe-wide comparison // Journal of economic psychology. 1998. V. 19. Iss. 6. December. P. 701-719.
  19. Muller-Peters A., Pepermans R. et al. Explaining attitudes towards the euro: design of a cross-national study // Ibidem. 1998. V. 19. Iss. 6. December. P. 663-680.
  20. Payne M., Furnham A. Explaining the causes of poverty in the West Indies: a cross-cultural comparison // Ibidem. 1985. V. 6. Iss. 3. September. P. 215-229.
  21. Pepermans R., Verleye G. A unified Europe? How Еuro-attitudes relate to psychological differences between countries // Ibidem. 1998. V. 19. Iss. 6. December. P. 681-699.
  22. Roland-Levy C. A cross-national comparison of Algerian and French children's economic socialization // Ibidem. 1990. V. 11. Iss. 4. December. P. 567-581.
  23. Roland-Levy C. Economic socialization: basis for international comparisons // Ibidem. 1990. V. 11. Iss. 4. December. P. 469-482.
  24. Siegal M., Shwalb D. Economic justice in adolescence: an Australian-Japanese comparison // Ibidem. 1985. V. 6. Iss. 3. September. P. 313-326.
  25. Throsby D. Economics and culture. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  26. Wharton J. D., Harmatz H. R. An exploratory investigation of how cultural attitudes relate to life insurance holdings: a cross-cultural comparison // Journal of economic psychology. 1989. V. 10. Iss. 2. June. P. 217-227.
  27. Willinger M., Keser C., Lohmann C., Usunier J.-C. A comparison of trust and reciprocity between France and Germany: experimental investigation based on the investment game // Ibidem. 2003. V. 24. Iss. 4. August. P. 447-466.

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