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Архив научных статей

ИСТОЧНИК:    Альманах современной науки и образования. Тамбов: Грамота, 2010. № 12. С. 61-67.
РАЗДЕЛ:    Технические науки
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Лицензионное соглашение об использовании научных материалов.


Itam Ekpenyong B. , Archibong A. E. , Ita Ekpe E. 
Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Cross River University of Technology, CRUTECH, Calabar, Nigeria

Cross River University of Technology, CRUTECH, Calabar, Nigeria

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Список литературы:
  1. Affordable housing [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Affordable_housing&oldid =389775947 (retrieved from 17.10.2010).
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  24. O'Meara M. Reinventing cities for people and the planet // Worldwatch paper. 1999. No. 147.
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  27. Purcell M. Citizenship and the right to the global city: reimagining the capitalist world order // International journal of urban and regional research. 2003. No. 27 (3). P. 564-590.
  28. Sawin J. L. Mainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st century // Worldwatch paper. 2004. No. 169.
  29. Sheehan M. O. City limits: putting the brakes on sprawl // Ibidem. 2001. No. 156.
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  35. Wilson W. J. The truly disadvantaged. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

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