Спивак Антон Игоревич, Осовецкий Леонид Георгиевич
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет информационных технологий механики и оптики
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Список литературы:
Спивак А. И. Оценка эффективности атак злоумышленника в процессе построения его модели // Научно-технический вестник. СПб.: СПбГУ ИТМО, 2010. Вып. 66.
Bev Littlewood et al. Towards operational measures of computer security // Journal of computer security. 1993. V. 2. № 2-3.
Marianne Swanson et al. Security metrics guide for information technology systems // NIST special publication. 2003. July. № 800-55.
Mark Torgerson. Security metrics for communication systems // 12th International command and control research and technology symposium. Rhode Island, 2007.
Pratyusa Manadhata, Jeannette M. Wing. An attack surface metric. CMU-CS-05-155. Carnegie Mellon University, 2005.
Pratyusa Manadhata, Kymie M. C. Tan, Roy A. Maxion, Jeannette M. Wing. An approаch to measuring a system's attack surface. CMU-CS-07-146. Carnegie Mellon University, 2007.
Shirley C. Payne. A guide to security metrics // SANS security essentials: GSEC practical assignment. 2006. Version 1.2e.
SSE-CMM: Systems security engineering capability maturity model // International systems security engineering association (ISSEA). 2008.