Список литературы:
- Булгаков С. Н. История экономической мысли // Русская философия собственности. СПб., 1993.
- Шихирев П. Н. Введение в российскую деловую культуру. М.: Новости, 2000.
- Fulmer R. M. The Challenge of Ethical Leadership // Organizational Dynamics. N.Y., 2004. Vol. 33. № 3.
- Grachev М. V. Cultural Attributes of Russian Management // Managing Multinationals in a Knowledge Economy: Economics, Culture and Human Resources Advances in International Management. 2004. Vol. 15.
- Gratchev M. V. Making the Most of Cultural Differences // Harvard Business Rev. Boston, 2001. Vol. 79. № 9.
- Hall E. T. The Dance of Life, the Other Dimension of Time. N.Y., 1983.
- Michailova S., Worm W. Personal Networking in Russia and China: BLAT and GUANXI. Copenhagen, 2003.
- The Good Company: a Survey of Corporate Social Responsibility // Economist. L., 2005. Vol. 374. № 8410.