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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 1. P. 119-121.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Law Sciences
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Tsukanov Oleg Vladimirovich, Shevchenko Alina Gennad'evna
Belgorod National Research University

Abstract. The article is aimed at revealing the ways of the development of the legal regulation of outsourcing relations in the Russian Federation. A brief characteristic of the outsourcing contract, and also the analysis of advocates’ and opponents’ opinions on the inclusion of a special outsourcing contract into the Russian legislation are presented. The paper highlights the differences, which allow contrasting outsourcing to other forms of intercompany collaboration .
Key words and phrases: аутсорсинговые отношения, возмездное оказание услуг, передача функций, предмет, трудовой договор, договор оказания услуг, outsourcing relations, onerous rendering of services, delegation of functions, object, labor contract, service contract
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