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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 3. P. 941-947.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Gender specificity in the Moldavian variant of the Romanian language as a modern trend in its development

Malysheva Elizaveta Yurievna
Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry

Submitted: 04.02.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the characteristics of the phenomenon of feminization in the Moldavian variant of the Romanian language, manifested in the use of feminine forms for job titles and positions traditionally used in the masculine gender. The scientific novelty of the study lies in comparing the Moldavian and Romanian language variants in the context of feminization, demonstrating the different development of the same language depending on geopolitical and sociocultural conditions. In the modern Moldavian variant of the Romanian language, there is a trend towards an increased use of gender-specific job titles, indicating social, political, and economic changes in the region and a striving to adhere to European standards regarding gender balance. A key outcome of the study is identifying the trend of feminization in the Moldavian language, signaling a change in language standards. An analysis of lexical differences between the Moldavian and Romanian language variants has revealed significant semantic and morphological distinctions in the naming of professions, highlighting the influence of language standards and sociocultural aspects on professional terminology and gender norms.
Key words and phrases: феминизация языка, языковая вариативность, румынский язык, языковая норма, гендерный баланс, language feminization, language variation, Romanian language, language standard, gender balance
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