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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 3. P. 999-1004.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Forms of the PR biography in the context of the genre system

Kovtunenko Inna Viktorovna, Bondarenko Yuriy Borisovich
Southern Federal University

Don State Technical University

Submitted: 14.01.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the main genre forms of the PR biography, their specificity in application, the features of interaction in communication processes and their effective utilization in PR activities. The paper examines the features of using fundamental forms of the PR biography such as summary biographies, story biographies, and narrative biographies, studying their properties in both theoretical and practical aspects. The scientific novelty lies in contributing to science through a comprehensive analysis of PR biographies as a tool for shaping public opinion and reputation management. This enriches the theoretical database of genres with new aspects of their structural-stylistic diversity and functionality. For the first time in the realm of Russian communicative culture, there has been an in-depth study of the relationships between various forms of PR biographies and their effectiveness in goal setting and achieving communicative tasks. Furthermore, the scientific novelty lies in the application of a comprehensive approach combining analytical, comparative, and empirical methods to assess the practical use of PR biographies, revealing new trends and techniques in creating this genre of texts not previously explored in scientific literature. This research emphasizes the importance of the PR biography genre in the context of communication strategies and public relations. The research findings show that PR biographies can take various forms and combine genre models, enhancing text perception efficiency through the use of established forms from the practice of public relations. In addition, mechanisms from other discourses, such as interviews, confessions, newspaper articles, and chronicles, are actively involved in PR biographies, highlighting the need for systematic text updating and maintenance to keep them current.
Key words and phrases: биография-конспект, биография-рассказ, биография-повествование, PR-биография, PR biography, summary biography, story biography, narrative biography
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