Список литературы:
- Bell L. D. Interpreters and Egyptianized Nubians in Ancient Egyptian Foreign Policy: Aspects of the History of Egypt and Nubia: PhD Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania, 1976. LXXXV. 202 p.
- Coyat J., Montet P. Les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât. Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1912. VIII. 141 p.: XLV pl.
- Gardiner A. H., Peet T. E., Černy J. The Inscriptions of Sinai. P. I. London: Egypt Exploration Society - Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1955. XI. 242 p.: III pl., 15 ill.
- Gardiner A. H., Peet T. E., Černy J. The Inscriptions of Sinai. P. II. London: Egypt Exploration Society - Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1952. 22 p.: XCVI pl.
- Goyon G. Nouvelles inscriptions rupestres du Wadi Hammamat. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1957. XI. 189 p.: LII pl., ill.
- Grajetzki W. The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology and Society. London: Duckworth, 2006. XII. 208 p.: XXIII pl., ill.
- Mumford G. D. Tell Ras Budran (Site 345): Defining Egypt's Eastern Frontier and Mining Operations in South Sinai during the Late Old Kingdom (Early EB IV/MB I) // BASOR. 2006. Vol. 342. P. 13-67.
- Murnane W. J. A Note on the Personnel of the Sinai Expeditions under Amenemmes III // GM. 1975. Bd. 15. S. 27-33.
- Newberry P. E. Beni Hasan. Part I. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1893. XI. 85 p.: XLIX pl., ill.
- Sadek A. I. The Amethyst Mining Inscriptions of Wadi el-Hudi. Part I: Text. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1980. VIII. 120 p.: ill.
- Sadek A. I. The Amethyst Mining Inscriptions of Wadi el-Hudi. Part II: Additional Texts, Plates. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1985. 63 p.: XXVI pl.