Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2010. Issue 1

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Irina Guennadyevna Selezneva
Volgograd State Technical University

Anna Sergeevna Suhova
Volgograd State Technical University

Submitted: April 20, 2010
Abstract. The article shows the notion content of corruption and the specificity of its demonstration as a complex social phenomenon which creates the system of protection from social control. The authors of this article give Special attention to the identification of the system strategy and the arrangement of the authorities' activity in some cases. This problem is really actual within the limits of modern democratic reforms and political modernization.
Key words and phrases:
взяточничество и мздоимство
использование служебного положения, знакомств, связей, подкупа
благодарности за оказанные «услуги»
борьба с коррупцией
corrupt practice and bribery
the use of jobbery, connections, relations, subornation
the gratitude for given "services"
struggle against
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  4. Хлебников П. Крестный отец Кремля Борис Березовский или история разграбления России. М.: Детектив-пресс, 2001.
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