Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 1-2

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Lyubov' Alekseevna Kalantaryan
Stavropol' State Pedagogical Institute

Submitted: December 21, 2012
Abstract. The author reveals the content of the concept “cultural genesis”, the basic cultural-genetic conceptions, the methodological tools for the study of cultural genesis, pays special attention to the comprehension and analysis of various conceptions of cultural genesis in domestic and foreign science, their similarities and differences, and emphasizes general scientific and concrete-scientific methods and approaches in the study of cultural genesis, highlighting the philosophical foundations of culture as a methodological basis for the study of cultural genesis.
Key words and phrases:
концепт «культурогенез»
концепции культурогенеза
философия культуры
философские основания культуры
методологический инструментарий изучения культурогенеза
concept of “cultural genesis”
conceptions of cultural genesis
philosophy of culture
philosophical foundations of culture
methodological tools for study of cultural genesis
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