Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 11-1

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Svetlana Sergeevna Tulush
Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov

Submitted: September 24, 2014
Abstract. The shortage of the teachers of indigenous nationalities with higher education was acute in the context of the implementation of law on universal education in Tuva Autonomous Region (1944-1961). In this regard the activity of Teachers’ Advanced Training Institute on improving the training of pedagogical staff was particularly topical. Despite organizational, material and personnel difficulties in the analyzed period the Institute managed to solve successfully the problems posed to it.
Key words and phrases:
педагогические кадры
Институт усовершенствования учителей
повышение квалификации
методическая помощь
преподавание русского языка в тувинской школе, преподавание тувинского языка
educational personnel
Teachers’ Advanced Training Institute
professional development
methodological assistance
teaching the Russian language in the Tuvan school
teaching the Tuvan language
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