Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 8-3

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Oleg Salavatovich Gimaletdinov
Bashkir State University

Submitted: June 20, 2015
Abstract. The author believes that history is a process of the self-development and improvement of world spirit. Eros spirit imparts positivity, constructiveness, creativity, potentiality to absolute spirit. The spirit of unitarianism, according to the author, is associated with the spirit of Thanatos, with destruction, violence, cruelty and unification. Unitarianism tends to domination and suppression providing its ontological foundation.
Key words and phrases:
дух эросности
дух федерализма
дух унитаризма
абсолютный дух
Eros spirit
spirit of federalism
sprit of unitarianism
absolute spirit
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