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Daniil Sergeevich Ryazanov
Daghestan State Technical University
Artem Viktorovich Okhrimenko
Daghestan Institute of Economics and Politics
November 1, 2015
The article presents the basic electronic data bases specializing in the investigation of terrorism. Significant attention is paid to the prerequisites of their creation, the peculiarities of functioning and meaningful differences. The comparative analysis of large projects on the criteria of including this or that incident into the data base, the applied parameters of the description of an act of terrorism is conducted by the authors. On the basis of the examination the conclusions are given concerning the characteristics decreasing cognitive potential.
Key words and phrases:
террористические акты
базы данных
информационные технологии
acts of terrorism
data bases
information technologies
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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