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Kalina Gennad'evna Raikh
Far Eastern State Institute of Arts
June 1, 2016
The article examines autobiography in the context of the individualized understanding of history: the neo-Kantians introduce a provision on the originality of history as a specific form of scientific cognition, which is not reduced to natural-scientific cognition. Baden school representatives believed that philosophy should be engaged in the theory of cognition, i.e. to explore the conditions, principles and structure of cognitive activity. The supreme value of history, according to the neo-Kantians, is a free, inimitable individuality. Consequently, the crucial point of historical knowledge is the understanding of an individual historical event in its inimitability, singleness and uniqueness.
Key words and phrases:
баденская школа
номотетический метод
идеографический метод
«возвращение к сознанию»
познавательная деятельность
историческое бытие
индивидуализирующее понимание истории
Baden school
nomothetic method
ideographic method
“return to consciousness”
cognitive activity
historical existence
individualized understanding of history
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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