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Aleksandr Ivanovich Demchenko
Saratov State Conservatory
October 1, 2017
Over many decades of the XX century one of the dominating trends of domestic musical art was associated, first of all, with the implementation of historical-revolutionary theme. Tracing its development, the author identifies remarkably stable inner rhythm: active dynamical, heroic, contentious and tragic interpretations of the theme were inevitably followed by steadier forms of effectual and dramatic imagery, epic glorification and lyrical expressions. Step-by-step analysis of evolution of historical-revolutionary music to identify a range of different interpretations allows the author to conclude that along with the necessity to obtain a reliable description of characters and events of the depicted epoch there was always a tendency to consider the faraway past from the contemporary viewpoint. So, the complicated and changeable duality appeared - historicism of vision and modernity of expression - which conditioned actualization of historical-revolutionary material when the past events were examined in the light of the problems of that historical period in which their artistic adoption had occurred.
Key words and phrases:
отечественное музыкальное искусство ХХ века
историко-революционная тематика
актуализация историко-революционной тематики
domestic musical art of the XX century
historical-revolutionary themes
actualization of historical-revolutionary themes
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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