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Yumzhana Zhalsanovna Zhabon
Institute for the Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Oyuuna Sanzhimitupovna Rinchinova
Institute for the Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Subad Bal'zhinimaevna Dashieva
Institute for the Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
September 10, 2019
The article is devoted to studying the handwritten Mongolian translation of “Gyalpo-kordzo”, the earliest Tibetan medical treatise written by Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen (1147-1216). This monument of the Tibetan literature and its translation into the Old Mongolian written language have not been previously examined in the foreign and domestic Tibetan studies. The authors conclude that this treatise was compiled in the period of the formation of the basic canon of the Tibetan medicine “Zhud-Shi”. The paper provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of “Gyalpo-kordzo” and “Zhud-Shi” treaties. By the example of the analysed manuscript, the paper shows that the Mongolian people created a full-fledged system for interpretation and assimilation of such a complicated system of knowledge as the Tibetan medicine through the native language.
Key words and phrases:
монгольский перевод
история медицины
тибетская медицина
Джецун Дракпа Гьялцен
Mongolian translation
source study
history of medicine
Tibetan medicine
Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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