Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 4. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Theory and Methods of Vocational Education

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Ol'ga Borisovna Istomina
Irkutsk State University

Submitted: December 31, 2019
Abstract. The article analyses the problems of controlling the youth’s professional and educational orientations as a factor of social and labour relations and unemployment in the region. The study focuses on analysing the youth’s social strategies with a view to identify criteria for choosing educational and professional trajectories. The author justifies the necessity to monitor the youth’s involvement in labour relations so as to solve staffing problems, to guarantee economic, demographic, sociocultural security in regions.
Key words and phrases:
рынок труда
мониторинг вовлечения в трудовые отношения
институт образования
профессионально-образовательные ориентации
трудовые траектории молодежи
электронная информационно-образовательная среда
labour market
monitoring of involvement in labour relations
educational institution
professional and educational orientations
youth’s labour trajectories
electronic informational educational environment
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