Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 7. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    General Pedagogy

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Regional Conference as an Effective Tool for All-Russian Identity Formation among Higher Education Students in the Pedagogical Space of Culture

Svetlana Evgenievna Motornaya
Sevastopol State University

Submitted: December 26, 2022
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the need for all-Russian identity formation among higher education students in the educational space of Russian culture. The paper confirms that the cultural development of higher education students is an important condition for the formation of their all-Russian identity; presents the essence of the notion of the all-Russian identity of higher education students; proves that organising a conference to form students’ all-Russian identity is an effective pedagogical tool for all-Russian identity formation among higher education students. Scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the interrelation between the constituents of the all-Russian identity of higher education students and the social components and functions of culture. As a result of the empirical research and analysis of the research findings, the structure and content of the regional conference dedicated to the Year for the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia as an element of the programme for all-Russian identity formation among university students have been presented.
Key words and phrases:
региональная конференция
формирование общероссийской идентичности
культурное развитие студентов вуза
педагогическое пространство культуры
технология визуализации информации
regional conference
all-Russian identity formation
cultural development of university students
pedagogical space of culture
technology of information visualization
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