Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 8. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing

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Studying text expressiveness in a novel of the Enlightenment period for text-producing competence formation among students – future linguists (on the material of S. Richardson’s ‘Pamela’)

Tatyana Alexandrovna Balashova
St. Petersburg State University of Culture

Submitted: April 28, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to substantiate the possibility of forming the text-producing competence among students – future linguists based on the study of text expressiveness in a novel of the Enlightenment period (using the material of S. Richardson’s ‘Pamela’). The paper presents the experience of modelling the educational process in the framework of the discipline “History of literature in the target language area” and other disciplines that involve analytical reading of students in the training programme 45.03.02 “Linguistics”. The tasks proposed in the paper will help to study the notion of expressiveness and analyse language expressiveness in S. Richardson’s novel based on some letters of the main character Pamela Andrews. The scientific novelty lies in developing a stage-by-stage methodology for teaching language students the basics of text expressiveness. As a result of the research, the stages of mastering the notion of text expressiveness (the problem and search stage, the search and research stage, the productive-creative stage with the use of game and quiz technologies) have been modelled and characterised in the framework of teaching analytical reading to students – future linguists.
Key words and phrases:
изучение экспрессивности текста
роман эпохи Просвещения
формирование текстообразующей компетенции
студенты – будущие лингвисты
история литературы стран изучаемого языка
studying text expressiveness
novel of the Enlightenment period
text-producing competence formation
students – future linguists
history of literature in the target language area
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