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The competence of constructing a social space of preschoolers’ relationships in the quality assurance system of professional training for future educators in higher education institutions
Marina Sergeevna Krakovskaya
Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant; Pedagogical College, Kaliningrad; Chernyakhovsk
October 25, 2024
The study aims to determine the content and structure of the competence of constructing a social space of preschoolers’ relationships and, based on this, to identify the features of its formation in the quality assurance system of professional training for future educators in higher education institutions. The article analyzes the problem of the quality of professional training for future educators of preschool educational organizations. The scientific novelty of the study lies in describing and characterizing the competence of constructing a social space of preschoolers’ relationships of future educators, determining its structure and content, identifying the components of the competence, and presenting the features of its formation in the educational process of the university, taking into account the requirements of state educational standards. The formation of this competence is carried out through innovative forms, means, methods, and technologies. As a result of the study, it was found that the competence of constructing a social space of preschoolers’ relationships includes professional and personal qualities of future educators that determine their readiness for future professional activities. The structure of the said readiness is comprised of motivational, cognitive, active, and communicative components. The content of these components is substantiated. Features of competence formation in the quality assurance system of professional training for future educators in higher education institutions have been identified.
Key words and phrases:
компетенция построения социального пространства отношений дошкольников
социальное пространство отношений дошкольников
будущие педагоги
формирование компетенции
качество профессиональной подготовки
высшее педагогическое образование
competence of constructing a social space of preschoolers’ relationships
social space of preschoolers’ relationships
future educators
competence formation
quality of professional training
higher pedagogical education
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