Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2012. Issue 7-2

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Elena Vadimovna Alikina
Perm’ National Research Polytechnic University

Submitted: December 3, 2012
Abstract. The author considers the potential of different languages for the system of interpreter’s notes under the conditions of sequential translation, gives the definition of this type of translation, suggests her own version of the notion of interpreter’s semantography as the process of the mental analytic-synthetic processing of information, shows that notes reflect interpreter’s multilingual consciousness, presents the review of opinions concerning the choice of interpreter’s notes language, determines three groups of interpreter’s semantography techniques (lexical, grammatical, and structural-compositional), and illustrates them by the examples of different languages that serve as the source of rational visualization.
Key words and phrases:
устный последовательный перевод
переводческая запись
переводческая семантография
языки записи
переводческие символы
sequential translation
interpreter’s notes
interpreter’s semantography
interpreter’s notes languages
interpreter’s symbols
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  1. Аликина Е. В. Переводческая семантография: запись при устном переводе. М.: АСТ; Восток-Запад, 2006. 158 с.
  2. Аликина Е. В. Таксономический аспект устного перевода // Вестник Удмуртского университета. 2011. Вып. 2. С. 59-66.
  3. Al-Zahran A. The Consecutive Conference Interpreter as Intercultural Mediator: a Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to the Interpreter’s Role. Salford, 2007. 298 p.
  4. Grosjean F. Life with Two Languages. An Introduction to Bilinguism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1982. 384 p.
  5. Nolan J. Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises. Multilingual Matters, Ltd., 2005. 320 p.
  6. Van Dam H. Interpreter’s Notes: on the Choice of Language // Interpreting. 2004. № 6 (1). P. 1–17.
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