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Valentina Nikolaevna Krupenchenok
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
June 3, 2013
The author analyzes the ways of pejorative verbal lexemes formation in the German literary language of Austria, considers the different word-formative models, mentions the structural and semantic features of verbs with negative evaluation, also determines the most productive ways of verbal pejorative units formation and their active word-formative elements, and pays special attention to the typical features that are specific to the Austrian national version of the German language.
Key words and phrases:
немецкий язык
австрийский национальный вариант немецкого языка
словообразование глаголов
пейоративное словообразование
отрицательная оценочность
глагольная пейоративность
German language
Austrian national version of the German language
word-formation of verbs
pejorative word-formation
negative evaluation
verbal pejorative
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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