Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 7-1

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Valentina Nikolaevna Krupenchenok
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Submitted: June 3, 2013
Abstract. The author analyzes the ways of pejorative verbal lexemes formation in the German literary language of Austria, considers the different word-formative models, mentions the structural and semantic features of verbs with negative evaluation, also determines the most productive ways of verbal pejorative units formation and their active word-formative elements, and pays special attention to the typical features that are specific to the Austrian national version of the German language.
Key words and phrases:
немецкий язык
австрийский национальный вариант немецкого языка
словообразование глаголов
пейоративное словообразование
отрицательная оценочность
глагольная пейоративность
German language
Austrian national version of the German language
word-formation of verbs
pejorative word-formation
negative evaluation
verbal pejorative
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