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Sergei Vladimirovich Sakhnevich
The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
June 25, 2014
In the XV century the translation of the Bible was made only in the high literary Latin language no matter whether a reader understood the Word of God or not. Since that time more than four centuries have passed but this point of view is still prevailing among theorists of translation in the XXI century. Modern translator translates as it is clear for him/her but not for the user of the translation. In the XV century Martin Luther proved in practice that translation would be much clearer if a translator knew the vocabulary of the people for whom he translated even if that translator was Saint Paul himself. It is time to do the same nowadays even if a translator is the most recognized specialist in translation occupation.
Key words and phrases:
клиентоориентированный перевод
Мартин Лютер
общий язык
открытость для критики
перевод Библии
потребитель перевода
работа в команде
Сикстус V
client-oriented translation
Martin Luther
common language
openness for criticism
translation of the Bible
user of translation
work in a team
Pope Sixtus V
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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