Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 3-1

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Alsu Zarifovna Khabibullina
Kazan Federal University

Submitted: March 1, 2015
Abstract. The paper presents an experience of the receptive analysis of the well- known Tatar poet of the early XX century G. Tuqay’s creativity. The actual basis of the study was G. Tuqay’s poem "Tәәsser" ("The Impression"). The Tatar poet’s work is considered in the light of such notions of receptive aesthetics and modern conceptions of another nation perception of literature as "the horizon of expectations", "incomplete certainty", "reader", "aesthetic interference". The study confirms that the ideas of receptive aesthetics allow readers to understand the dialogue of Russian classics and Tatar literature of the XX century better, and they also contribute to better understanding of the peculiarities of life of the traditional images of the national (native) literature in the Tatar poet’s artistic consciousness.
Key words and phrases:
рецептивная эстетика
горизонт ожидания читателя
эстетическая интерференция
диалог литератур
национальная литература
receptive aesthetics
reader’s horizon of expectations
aesthetic interference
dialogue of literatures
national literature
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