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Ekaterina Sergeevna Sherstneva
Northeastern State University
October 1, 2015
In this article on the basis of the contrastive-comparative analysis of an extract from R. M. Rilke’s work "From the Life of the Venetian Ghetto" and its translations into English and Russian the author reveals the relationship of the surface and deep levels of the text and their influence on the process and result of the analytical restructuring of the original text by an interpreter. The author comes to the conclusion about the appropriateness of the translational transformations of the original text motivated solely by a speech situation.
Key words and phrases:
художественный перевод
речевая ситуация
глубинные и поверхностные структуры
переводческое решение
авторский замысел
literary translation
speech situation
deep and surface structures
translational solution
author's message
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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