Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 11-1

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Aleksandra Vasil'evna Kokova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Submitted: November 1, 2015
Abstract. Stylistic norms of the German publicistic style (GPS) in its informative form in the XIX century appear to be a final stage of their formation. On the basis of the structural, meaningful and stylistic criteria the paper distinguishes three variants of the informative texts of the German publicistic style of the XIX century: properly informative, official-informative and informative-expressive. To their basic stylistic features the author refers specialization, topicality and laconism. The special terminological vocabulary of the publicistic style is used in the three forms: 1) scientific and theoretical-professional standardized terms; 2) semi-terms; 3) designation of a practical-professional nature. Stylistic feature “topicality” manifests itself in the presence of a considerable number of neologisms and occasionalisms not always appropriate and suitable from the viewpoint of the modern German stylistics.
Key words and phrases:
газетно-публицистический стиль
стилистическая норма
стилевая черта
тип текста
функция языка
publicistic style
stylistic norm
stylistic feature
text type
function of a language
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  1. Bach A. Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Heidelberg: Quelle&Meyer, 1965. 405 S.
  2. Deutsche Constitutionelle Zeitung. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1848. № 17, 18, 23.
  3. Deutsche Tribüne. Mainz, Koblenz, 1831. № 83, 92, 96.
  4. Deutsche Zeitung. Heidelberg, 1848. № 123, 126.
  5. Gegenwart. Berlin, 1871. № 122, 125.
  6. Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Köln, 1849. № 36, 37, 53.
  7. Rheinischer Merkur. Köln, 1815. № 26, 31.
  8. Rheinische Zeitung für Politik und Wirtschaft. Mainz, 1843. № 53, 55.
  9. Vorwärts. Berlin, 1897. № 68, 72.
  10. Wagner K. Das 19. Jahrhundert // Deutsche Wortgeschichte. Berlin: Maurer F., Stroh F. (Hrsg.), 1943. Bd. 2. S. 319-355.
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