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Anastasiya Nikitichna Myreeva
The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
April 1, 2016
The article highlights the writer’s rich experience having conditioned a variety of themes of his works, the intensity of genre searches. The following narratives are singled out: socio-psychological, essay, detective, biographical ones; the originality of landscape descriptions and psychologism are revealed. Special attention is paid to the novel genre in the creative work of the writer. The novel “Alampa” is presented as a spiritual biography of the whole generation. It is disclosed that this work is not only a historical one, but also philosophical, it is pierced with thoughts about a man’s mission, a nation’s destiny. An inner monologue assisting to discover the versatility of the character’s nature from within is examined as a principal method of the psychological analysis. It is concluded that E. Neimokhov managed to create a realistically full-blooded, psychologically sincere novel about the destiny of the whole generation having continued the best traditions of the Yakut classical novel.
Key words and phrases:
народный писатель
литературное творчество
жанровые искания
исторический, философский роман
popular writer
literary creative work
subject matter
genre searches
historical, philosophical novel
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